Quick Delivery Homes

The Pros to a Quick Delivery Home

When you want to move in soon with a new construction home but time is precious, choose a quick delivery home.

When you dont have much time but truly want to have a new construction home, a Quick Delivery (QD) home is a logical choice. What makes a quick delivery home right for you? These types of homes are already under construction in [...]

Can I Buy a New Construction Home and Move In By The Summer?

Ways you can you move into a new construction home before the summer.

Delaware REALTOR, Kathy Sperl-Bell of Active Adults Realty explains the options you have to buy new construction without having to wait too long to move in.

If you want to buy a new construction home in Delaware, the wait-times to move in can be 1-2 years we hear. A way [...]

Can You Handle The Truth or Should We Tell You What You Want To Hear?

Deciphering Builder Speak: Can we talk?

Homes starting in the Low $300s!

Luxury townhomes in the high $200s!

Does that mean you can buy a new home in that community between $300,000 and $325,000? Probably not.

Can you handle the truth?

If I tell you that you will end up spending 30% or more above the base model price of that new home, will you believe [...]

Active Adults Realty April 2014 Delaware Real Estate Update

SUSSEX, KENT & NEW CASTLE COUNTY, Delaware Real Estate Update from Active Adults Realty


Kathy Sperl-Bell, Broker Active Adults Realty, "Southern Delaware, the market is flooded!"

Now that it's warming up, buyers, who ended up holding off because of the bad winter weather along with those who will normally enter [...]

Quick Delivery Homes Help Make the Move Smooth!

Quick Delivery Homes: How They Can Speed Up The Move

These days, its hard for some Boomers to carry two mortgages while their existing home sits on the market. They must wait for their house to sell, called a contingency, before buying a new one.

For Quick Delivery Home buyers, the biggest concern is availability looking to avoid short term [...]

Low Inventory in 55+ communities in Coastal Delaware

What a difference a year makes. At one point early last year I remember some concern about the number of resale homes on the market in some of our 55+ active adult communities. Well, I just finished touring communities with clients this week and it is slim pickings for those that want an existing home or a quick delivery home. To find [...]

New Home Construction in full Swing in Delaware

Coastal Delaware new home construction is in full swing and my buyer clients are amazed. When they arrive for that first look at Delaware, they expect to find a roaring buyers market. The message is just getting out about Delaware and articles like the recent one in [...]