
The Hidden Truths About iBuyers

Learn the facts about working with iBuyers compared to using a licensed professional REALTOR.

Whats the best way to sell your home for the most money in the shortest time?

List with a licensed professional REALTOR or sell to an iBuyer?

What exactly is an iBuyer?

When thinking about selling, homeowners have many options. A relatively new option is using an iBuyer. What is an iBuyer? According to Jovio, the definition [...]

5 Tips for Finding the Best REALTOR®

Learn how to qualify the REALTOR you plan to work with by following our five top tips.

Why do so many companies want to help you find the best REALTOR? Do you think its because they have done some extensive research and surveyed Buyers and Sellers to find the very best? Or, do you think its because they charge every REALTOR they [...]

Choosing the right Real Estate Agent

Buying or selling a home? How do you choose the right real estate agent? What qualities are important to you and how are you going to make that important decision? Lets talk today about choosing a Listing Agent to help sell your home. You dont have to be a total news junkie to know that we have been through the worst housing market for [...]