
Downsizing & Decluttering During a Pandemic Emergency

Decluttering and downsizing your unnecessary stuff while you shelter-in-place is a good way to pass time and stay active.

Where did I get all this STUFF?

As REALTORs, we advise our clients on downsizing, decluttering, and getting rid of all unnecessary STUFF all the time. Well, in the middle of this Coronavirus emergency shutdown, I [...]

When Active Adults Downsize Their Home

Many Boomers relocating to Delaware are downsizing from much larger homes to something more manageable

Does downsizing and moving to a smaller home feel daunting? Lets chat about some living alternatives for when you feel your current home is no longer meeting your needs and lifestyle. Boomer Buyers looking to settle in Delaware [...]

What Size Home Do I Need After Retirement?

How to Decide on the Right Home Size After Retirement

After retirement, just how much space do you think you will need in a home? This week's Ask The Broker video discusses the key questions you should ask yourself when deciding on what size of a home you really need after you [...]

Make Downsizing Less Stressful With a Move Manager

Is your dream house becoming a nightmare? Downsizing may be in your future.

Perhaps your dream house is feeling like more work than pleasure? Maybe you are wondering if less is, truly, more? Smaller spaces take less time to maintain and cost less money to run. Sounds great, you say, but when am I going to find the time or energy to start [...]

Rightsizing is not Wrongsizing

The word downsizing is often associated with loss and/or lack. In modern times, loss often refers to jobs and downsizing is bad news. Whether youre a Boomer ready to retire or an empty-nester toying with your new options, take the time to define and pursue the life you want to have now, with all the bells and whistles and none of the [...]