
5 Skills & Hobbies Seniors Can Learn to Do Online Right Now

Active Adults and Seniors can Stay Young at Heart & Healthy with Hobbies.

This is something we hear often and today our guest blogger, Karen Weeks, shares 5 skills and hobbies that you can learn to do with ease.

The more we learn, the better our brains hold up. This isnt anecdotal - its proven science. Seniors that stay active - physically [...]

DE Healthcare Services Important to 55+ Buyers

Where is the nearest hospital?

Is it a good hospital?

Will I be able to find doctors?

Relocating at any age is stressful but doing so when you retire can be a particular challenge. Many of our clients have lived in their home for 25 to 35 years or more. One couple recently told me they have lived in their home for 45 years and they bought [...]

NPR, my Walk Buddy

NPR is my Walk Buddy in the morning. It's my time to catch up on the news and stories like this one, part of a series about Seniors working past retirement. I was walking with ear buds and hand weights so I could identify with John David who became a Certified Trainer in his 50s. Now he trains and teaches seniors how to stay fit and