
How Brokers & Appraisers Work Together

When a licensed Delaware home appraiser steps up to do their job, they are completely neutral towards both the Lender (who assigns them to a home) and the Broker who is representing the home. This is a very good thing for buyers and sellers. Appraisers feel the pressure to get it right regardless of how their final outcomes weigh against [...]

Tips to Present a Stronger Mortgage Application

Everyone keeps talking about how hard it is to get a mortgage with todays tighter lending standards. Many people actually disqualify themselves without even talking to a mortgage professional! But with both money and houses on sale, now is a really great time to buy. In fact, 8 of 10 homeowners would say now is a great time to buy a [...]

Will your home appraise at the Sale Price?

"As of September 1, 2011 appraisals will change drastically. We now must complete appraisals in what is defined as UAD or Uniform Appraisal Dataset format. This is a GSE Fannie, Freddie requirement." I saw this blog just this morning posted by Bobbie Smith, a Realtor up in the Poconos. An appraiser in her area, Mary Thompson, was giving her [...]