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Can You Handle The Truth or Should We Tell You What You Want To Hear?

Deciphering Builder Speak: Can we talk?

Homes starting in the Low $300s!

Luxury townhomes in the high $200s!

Does that mean you can buy a new home in that community between $300,000 and $325,000? Probably not.

Can you handle the truth?

If I tell you that you will end up spending 30% or more above the base model price of that new home, will you believe me?

As part of our buyer services, we make it our business to know what people end up spending, in almost any community you will like, anywhere in Delaware. Having worked in the most popular Boomer Communities in Delaware, we also know what is included in the Builders' Base Models and how much people typically spend on upgrades and even what options they choose to create their ideal home. Do you?

Are they (the builder's sales people) lying to you? Are the ads that say starting in the $300s, correct?

You need to understand that "they" work for the builder and the new home sale process is designed to allow each of you to personalize your home with the options and upgrades that matter most to you. You may be able to buy the "base model," but any personalization will have a price above that base!

To some of our clients, picking and choosing every little thing that will go into their home is fun. To others however, the process if stressful and keeps them awake at night.

Can you buy a new home without going through all that?

Yes. Sometimes you can get lucky and find a Quick Delivery home that is close enough to your wish list. A new home that is ready for immediate occupancy is typically priced well to incent you to purchase sooner rather than later. Email us for available QDHs.

The truth is...

The truth is the house is only a small part of the picture. Where it is located? Whats the history of the neighborhood and the reputation of both the builder and the developer? These are all critical elements in making a good purchase decision.

Try to keep an open mind and lets concentrate on finding you a home in a good location that will help you get your new life in Delaware off on the right foot! A good start is determining your optimum Location, Location, Location!

  • Location 1: Narrow down the Delaware county/town that interests you
  • Location 2: Zero in on New Home Communities and find an agreeable Neighborhood
  • Location 3: Find a place within thatNeighborhood that meets your needs

Once you begin your search, you may find an existing home that is actually better than a new one! Delaware is a small state and we are familiar with the communities in Delawares Sussex, Kent and New Castle Counties that have appeal for many of our active adult clients. Use us as an expert resource for ALL of your questions regarding any community anywhere in the state. Are you ready today? We are... email us.