Lewes Delaware

On Location with Donna Beck

Meet Active Adults Realty Agent Donna Beck and she showcases beautiful Lewes, Delaware.


Active Adults Realty invites you to meet one of our great agents, Donna Beck in Lewes, Delaware. Watch as Donna highlights the beautiful gardens throughout Lewes, the favorite places to get an ice cream cone and where [...]

Delaware is No.1 in Tax-friendliness

Did you know that Delaware is No.1 in Tax-friendliness?

Yes, its true, the media company Kiplinger offers an online state-by-state Tax Map including a Guide to State Tax Policies, where Delaware Ranks No.1 in Tax-friendliness.

This map/report confirms what we at Active Adults Realty and the Director of the Delaware Economic Development [...]

February's Featured Boomers: The Kerwins

Locals Now! recently interviewed Pat and Elizabeth Kerwin for our Featured Boomer column. The Kerwins moved to Nassau Grove in Lewes on January 3rd 2013 from Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Patrick was President of Patrick T. Kerwin, Inc, a Commercial Refrigeration HVAC company, while Elizabeth's served as Vice President of Patrick T. Kerwin, [...]

March 2013 Calendar of Events in Lewes, Delaware

What's happening in and around Lewes, Delaware in March?

The place to find out is the March Calendar of Events from the Lewes Chamber of Commerce. Some of my favorites coming up are the:

New Home Construction in full Swing in Delaware

Coastal Delaware new home construction is in full swing and my buyer clients are amazed. When they arrive for that first look at Delaware, they expect to find a roaring buyers market. The message is just getting out about Delaware and articles like the recent one in [...]

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