Baby Boomers Retiring

Where should I Retire? Why Delaware is a Great Choice.

More and more Boomers are looking at Delaware when they consider where to live after retirement.

Why Delaware?

I dont see Delaware mentioned in most national studies, commented one recent client. How states rank on a study depends on the criteria being evaluated. Some studies examine cities or major metropolitan areas, others rank [...]

Meet Bob & Ellen Smith our Featured Boomers

Meet featured boomers in southern Delaware Bob and Ellen Smith

Hailing From Tom's River, NJ, these Boomers now make Southern Delaware their home.

Bob & Ellen Smith moved to Southern Delaware from Toms River, NJ, in June of 2018. But that is not the beginning of their story; they met in New Haven, CT, while both were in college. Ellen was in nursing school and Bob was attending Yale University. [...]

Meet John and Celia Magrone - our Featured Boomers

From Staten Island to Lewes, Delaware Meet Featured Boomers John and Celia

That might seem like a big adjustment, moving from Staten Island, NY, to Lower Slower Delaware, but both apparently not for John and Celia Magrone. It was only 8 months ago they relocated to Lewes but they are already feeling right at [...]

How Delaware Boomers Care For Aging Parents

Boomers and their parents are living longer. Delaware has much to offer those caring for aging parents and wanting to retire to this state.

Are you ready to retire but youre still caring for aging parents? We hear this from many of our Baby Boomer clients. So many of us are caring for one or more parent and hesitate to move to our desired [...]