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SUMMER 2014 Community Update from Active Adults Realty

It's summer in Delaware, and according to a recent USA Today article, existing home sales increased for the 2nd straight month - their strongest rate since the fall. It's no wonder why we are all so busy showing Boomer-friendly homes and taking new listings at Active Adults Realty! To read more data from the National Association of Realtors, CLICK HERE. On with the Neighborhood Updates...


By Kathy Sperl-Bell, " In SO-DE, the market is moving!"

Summer is here and so are boomer buyers. Local builders are attempting to meet demand by increasing the production of Quick Delivery Homes. While we do our best to keep current with available listings in the state's most popular neighborhoods, inventory changes daily. If you are serious and ready to pursue your dream in Delaware, please call me at 302-542-1203 or Email me for the most current Sussex County information. CLICK HERE to READ The Details In This Edition.


By Bill Bell, "The Mid-state market is happening!"

Not everybody is moving to the beach, so it's easy to see why our neighborhoods in Kent and New Castle Counties are booming! The Mid-state communities are popular with boomers looking to take advantage of Delaware's low property taxes and the tax-free shopping and for those who feel the beach is not a top priority in their retirement location. Remember that inventory in Kent County changes daily, call 302-542-3747 or Email me for the most current data. CLICK HERE to READ The Details In This Edition.


By Bill Bell, "Our upstate market is the place for NJ/NY Buyers!"

We continue to have clients from the New Jersey and New York areas choosing New Castle County communities for relocation and retirement due to its close proximity to the NY/NJ corridor. On occasion, resales and QDHs do pop up, and those with cash are closing the deals-fast. If you are interested in New Castle County property, contact me directly at 302-542-3747 or Email me to get on my preferred list for Northern Delaware properties. CLICK HERE to READ The Details In This Edition.

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