Selling Home

Why I may not want to list your home for sale

Why not you ask? Im a REALTOR and you want me to list your home. How could I possibly not jump at the chance?

Real Estate is my business

Business is a two way relationship. You should expect me to know the market and be able to counsel you on the process and what you can do to maximize your value.

I had a call recently and the woman said she [...]

Creative Sales Contracts can sell your home in Lewes, Delaware

We have already talked about a Lease/Purchase as an option when selling your home. But another option in many situations is what we call Early Occupancy.

Lets consider all the elements that have to come together perfectly in order to get your home sold:

First, you have to get your home in perfect condition to list. Today, your home has to show like a model AND be priced appropriately if you want to [...]

Choosing the right Real Estate Agent

Buying or selling a home? How do you choose the right real estate agent? What qualities are important to you and how are you going to make that important decision? Lets talk today about choosing a Listing Agent to help sell your home. You dont have to be a total news junkie to know that we have been through the worst housing market for [...]

Selling to Boomer Buyers in Delaware


I remember taking golf lessons and the instructor said Kathy, BE THE BALL! Guess he meant that I had a better chance of hitting the ball if I really focused all of my attention on the ball. To sell your home at a good price in this market will require your full [...]