Should you buy your parents' home?
- By Christine Davis
- Posted

Do not assume the heirs know how to handle the sale of Mom and Dads home (real property) after their death. Many heirs think the executor can hire a [...]
You may be familiar with putting things such as a will, health care decisions, and charitable giving wishes in place for your aging parents or yourself. Its wise to also consider whats to become of a home in [...]
Planning for your future is essential to ensuring a happy existence in your home for retirement.
Hi, it's Kathy Sperl-Bell at Active Adults Realty in Delaware. I'm a planner, I don't think [...]
Attorney Kevin Baird joins Delaware real estate broker Kathy Sperl-Bell of Active Adults Realty, with an important discussion about your out-of-state will and other important estate planning documents. Will they still be valid? Watch to find [...]