Delaware Best State To Retire

Where should I Retire? Why Delaware is a Great Choice.

More and more Boomers are looking at Delaware when they consider where to live after retirement.

Why Delaware?

I dont see Delaware mentioned in most national studies, commented one recent client. How states rank on a study depends on the criteria being evaluated. Some studies examine cities or major metropolitan areas, others rank [...]

Why are you relocating to Delaware? You answered

Our first Survey on relocating to Delaware produced hundreds of responses that I have been reading through for days now.

I realize that multiple choice questions would have been easier and quicker to analyze. I could then have said that x% of respondents chose this or that answer. But our 4 questions were open-ended and produced some very [...]

Delaware Tops Best Retirement States List-AGAIN!

Hooray, Kiplinger Chooses Delaware - #1 Best State for Retirement!

Once more Delaware has topped Kiplingers Best Retirement States list! According to the post by Stacy Rapacon, The very best place to retire for you might be on a beachor in the mountainsor near familyor in the same house you've lived in for years. It's a personal decision [...]