Over the past couple of weeks I’ve spotlighted two resources for folks who want to help their parents or other older relatives remain in their homes and live more fulfilling lives. In Sussex County we have Village Volunteers https://www.activeadultsdelaware.com/blog/posts/2024/01/04/volunteer-to-help-seniors-stay-in-their-homes/, an organization that takes care of shopping, transportation to doctor visits and other appointments and offers companionship to seniors. We also have the CHEER centers https://www.activeadultsdelaware.com/blog/posts/2024/01/12/cheer-is-another-great-service-for-seniors-who-want-to-stay-in-their-homes/, which foster access to Meals on Wheels and other important in-home services while serving as gathering places in communities located throughout Sussex.
This week I’m focusing on a wonderful resource for people living in Kent County. It’s the Modern Maturity Center in Dover, and offers a wide range of services, including:
Adult Day Services. http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Adult-Day-Services.htm
These services are for people who have special health or medical needs – and they can be a godsend if you’re caring for someone like this and need time for yourself. They’re provided at the center, and include full time nurses who are able to give medications, monitor vital signs and provide basic nursing. The program also offers breakfast, lunch and snacks and group and individual recreation and social activities such as games, crafts and outings. Transportation can be arranged through the Modern Maturity Center and through DART Paratransit.
Resources for People Dealing with Memory Loss. http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Front-Porch---Early-Memory-Loss.htm. If you’re caring for someone who’s struggling with memory issues you might want to connect with the Center’s Front Porch program. It’s designed for people who are 60 and over and are dealing with early onset Alzheimer’s, dementia or mild cognitive impairment challenges.
Through games, trivia, arts and crafts, discussions about current events, exercises, field trips, gardening and cooking, it helps maintain and enhance memory and cognitive functioning. It takes place Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and costs $30 a day, which includes lunch and transportation.
Nutrition Services. Lunch is offered at the Center five days a week and is built around a menu with lots of healthy items http://www.modern-maturity.org/menu.htm. If you’re caring for someone facing financial challenges, representatives of the Center can also help them access SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance) benefits and also focuses on nutritious and appealing choices, including breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry and dairy products http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/SNAP.htm.
Job Training for Folks Who are 55+. http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/SCSEP---Paid-job-training-for-people-55.htm. The Center sponsors the Kent County Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), an on-the-job training and employment initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. It helps people who are unemployed update their job skills and gain work experience and confidence so they have more economic security.
Transportation Services http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Transportation.htm are offered to people who participate in Center programs. Members have to apply for the program, and tickets can be purchased through the Transportation office. Costs are $1 per one-way trip.
Volunteer Coordinating Services http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/55-Retired-and-Senior-Volunteer-Program-RSVP-Americorps-Seniors.htm. If you’re over 55 and want to put your life skills to use for an important cause, you can also work with the Center to find the right volunteer activity through a program affiliated with AmeriCorps Seniors. There are many options, from fostering adult and child literacy, to participating in Habitat for Humanity, to tax tutoring and many more.
Veteran Support. http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Veterans-Programs.htm. In partnership with the Make the Connection initiative https://www.maketheconnection.net/, the Center enables veterans to access important mental health information and resources.
Care Management. http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Care-Management.htm
If you or someone you care for needs a range of services – or just advice on how to obtain them – you can work with a Care Manager at the Center who will describe the various services available at the Center and in the community. Anyone who needs assistance can set up an appointment for an in-person consultation or discuss options over the phone.
A Caregiver Resource Center http://www.modern-maturity.org/services/Caregiver-Resource-Center.htm. The Center also offers terrific resources if you’re caring for someone else. It offers a library of books, videos and other educational materials and features speakers and a respite service. You can also borrow walkers, wheelchairs, commode chairs and other supplies that make caregiving easier, and participate in Support Groups.
NEXT WEEK I’ll spotlight the Newark Senior Center, the premier resource for seniors in New Castle County.