RON MACARTHUR PHOTO in the Cape Gazette.
Strong History
Beebe Heathcare has strong roots in Sussex County, beginning with Beebe Hospital on Savannah Road in Lewes. This healthcare system has grown from a small community hospital founded in 1916 to a modern healthcare system that provides services and helps people lead and maintain healthy lifestyles.
New Leadership During a Challenging Time
Did you know that Dr. David Tam, FACHE, President and CEO, Beebe Healthcare started in March 2020? He started his new role early to better help with the COVID-19 response. Do you recall how challenging healthcare was in 2020? Of course you do! Despite starting during a very challenging time, Dr. Tam has demonstrated that he is a strong leader.
If you have not met Dr. Tam yet, please make a point to seek him out. He's out and about in the community and a tremendous asset to the health system he serves. We are extraordinarily lucky to have him here in our back yard.
Investing in the Sussex County Community
I had the privilege of joining Dr. Tam for a Chamber Breakfast Meeting last month and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Beebe has hired almost 60 new providers since March 2020!
We are focused on Sussex County, and only Sussex County. Our vision is to have a great community health system with a need to serve every part of the county
Beebe Healthcare President and CEO Dr. David Tam during a May 11 presentation to Sussex County Council as quoted in the Cape Gazette
In addition to the new providers, Beebe Healthcare has shown it's focus on the future of healthcare in Sussex County. Other recent investments in the future of Beebe Healthcare include:
- Investment in innovations. Beebe has added a hybrid operating room, cardiac testing lab, and Globus - a robotic surgery system.
- Investment in people. Beebe Healthcare has recruited and hired quality healthcare providers, including Dr. Diana Dickson-Witmer serving the Beebe Center for Breast Health.
- Investment in new facilities. Beebe Healthcare is constructing new facilities, including the Rehoboth Specialty Surgical Hospital and the South Coastal Health Campus near Millville.
Strong Future
The future of Beebe is onward and upward and with Dr. Tam at the helm, I have no doubt they will succeed. For more information on Dr. Tam and Beebe Healthcare, visit www.beebehealthcare.org/welcome
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