Dont allow decluttering to become an excuse to avoid prepping your home for sale.
Decluttering is one of the largest challenges a seller faces when deciding to list their home for sale. Most homeowners have accumulated stuff over the years that wont be traveling with them to their next home because its no longer needed, you want new items, you have too much and are ready to downsize, or you simply want a fresh look. The cleanout process can feel overwhelming.
What Motivated Delaware Sellers Understand
The prep work of readying your home is a huge help to buyers who may struggle to imagine what living in this house would be like for them. When you declutter and remove your personal decorating choices you are showcasing a more neutral room setting. You are encouraging buyers to imagine themselves living in the housecelebrating holidays, hosting birthday parties, or a BBQ.
The added space from removing the extra clutter helps someone to picture how their own furnishings could be arranged and exactly how spacious this home is. See that area by the window looking out towards the street, it becomes the place for their favorite reading chair and the place to sip morning coffee. The entranceway wall is the perfect size for their favorite painting. You get the idea, right?
Using the KonMari Method to Remove Clutter
For anyone planning to list your home up or down coastal Delaware, you are in luck. Marie Kondo, the inventor of the KonMari Method of Tidying Up, has gained popularity with her new Netflix series. Kondo gives some great tips for sorting through years of accumulated possessions which seems to collect with hardly any effort.
The KonMari Method encourages tidying by category not by location beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service then let them go.
Deciding What Stays or Goes
When you subjectively look at all of your belongings, you can sort through the ones which mean the most to you. Not only will you increase space for more joy-bringing items in your new home, but you will also have a much easier time packing remaining belongings!
Remember, tidying up isnt about getting rid of stuff. It is about creating an environment that sparks joy and improves your quality of life.
When selling your house, first impressions matter. Before you or your agent schedule a photographer to take photos for your listing, make sure to tour your home with fresh eyes. Look for any imperfections that a buyer might notice.
When you sort through your more sentimental items, consider packing them away to ensure that you know where they all are. That way, they are safe during open houses and showing appointments. This will also cut down on the amount of packing you need to do right before you move.
Source: Keeping Current Matters,
Whether you are selling your house to move up to a larger one, downsizing, or moving in with family, only bring the items which truly spark joy for you. This will not only help cut down on the items you move, but also ensures that youre off to a great start in your new home. Lets discuss the best way to prepare. Schedule an appointment today.