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Delaware: An Attractive Relocation Destination For Retirement

State-to-state migration patterns make Delaware an attractive relocation destination for both retirees and families.

Our Active Adults Realty team has helped numerous homeowners relocate to Delaware. When I read the recent Housecall blog post discussing the trends to move out of state I could agree this reflects what weve experienced especially with New Jersey being an outbound-move state and our neighboring state to the north.

The study conducted by United Van Lines of the migration pattern of their customers named New Jersey as being one of the top states, with 66.8 percent of residents moving out of state. Trends such as lower costs of living, climate, and state taxes are driving forces behind the migration.

You may remember these blog posts written around this topic or if you missed any take a moment to give them a read:

We Understand Because We Relocated, Too

My husband Bill grew up in Northern Delaware, but when I moved to Delaware in 2000, I didnt know much about the area. When we started Active Adults Realty, we recognized that even though many people move here for low taxes and all the great things theyve heard about Delaware, they are also dealing with major decisions about where they want to live for the rest of their lives. So, one of the first questions we ask potential clients is Tell me about yourself. Whats important to you? From there we are committed to working with you to find your next home.

If you are preparing to buy or sell a home with active adult living in mind, why not sit down and discuss the best way to prepare to get a great deal. We're happy to have a no-strings-attached discussion with you and help you best prepare to make the right offer on a home when the time arrives. Schedule an appointment today.

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