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Meet the Stanleys - Our Featured Boomers

Ken & Lisa Stanley, of Middletown, DE, are our Featured Boomers

featured boomers in delaware - the stanleys who retired to delawareKen & Lisa Stanley relocated to the community of Spring Arbor, an Active Adult Community in Middletown, Delaware, from Easton, Pennsylvania in October of 2014. When asked why they chose to move to Delaware, they both mentioned cost, location & convenience. They have 5 children and 8 grandchildren living in California, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Southern New Jersey. Middletown puts them close to the 2 children and 3 grandchildren that now live in Southern New Jersey, and the convenience of two major airports Philadelphia and Baltimore make it easy for the Stanleys to visit the rest of their widespread family.

Both Ken & Lisa had long and successful careers. Lisa retired as a Corporate Vice President of Information Technology with New York Life. I just learned that Lisa and I have something in common; her entry position was as a Tape Librarian back in the early days of mainframe computing. My very first job in high school was with State Farm Insurance helping the key punch operators identify & fix key punch errors! Small world isnt it? Lisa then trained as a programmer and the rest is her 36-year story before she retired.

Ken spent his 46-year career in telecommunications with leaders in the field like New York Telephone, Nynex and eventually Sprint where he retired as a Telecommunications Manager.

When you look at this photo of Ken & Lisa, you understand what it means to be an active adult! Just look at the energy and their big smiles. While they love the convenience of Middletown, a small town with easy access to transportation, shopping, doctors, and activities, they also love the beach, so this year they also purchased a small condo in The Village of Five Points. We often run into them at Happy Hour at FishOn!, one of our favorite local spots.

The Stanley Bucket List includes travel and more travel with plans for a cruise through the Panama Canal, trips to Australia and New Zealand and a ride on the Canadian Rocky Mountain train. That sounds a lot like my bucket list and both Bill Bell, who was their REALTOR, and I look forward to seeing many photos and hearing their stories at future Happy Hours.