Don't freak out about buying a home. It can be scary, until you know the Facts
Take a look at the graphic below. It sure is comforting to know the facts about buying a home and now you won't be so afraid of the home buying process and ready to make the move to Delaware!
I need a 20% Down Payment.
The Fact is that 36% of Americans think they need a 20% down payment to buy a home. FYI: 44% of Millennials who purchased a home this year have put down less than 10%.
"I dont have a 780 credit score."
The Fact is that the average credit score of approved loans was 731 in September.
Getting approved for a Mortgage is hard.
The Fact is that 71.8% of loan applications were approved last month.
Its cheaper to rent & not pay for repairs.
The Fact is that buying a home is 35% Less Expensive than renting in the U.S. Your landlord builds the cost of repairs into your rent.
I dont have enough equity in my home to move.
The Fact is that 72.6% of homeowners in the U.S. have significant Equity.