Feel Good Fridays: Delaware Hospice's Beef and Brew on March 21
End the work week at Delaware Hospice's Beef and Brew at the Georgetown CHEER Center from 6:30-10pm with music by The Funsters, food by Lighthouse Catering and beer and wine by Banks Wines & Spirits and the Starboard Restaurant. Proceeds benefit Delaware Hospice, the only not-for-profit hospice in Delaware. Tickets, register online at https://www.delawarehospice.org/2014-beef-brew-registration, call302-746-4666 orvisit,http://www.delawarehospice.org/events/2014-03-21/ or www.delawarehospice.org
Put your dancing shoes on and we will see you there. We love the Funsters and Delaware Hospice is the non-profit Hospice that does such a fantastic job here. They are our selected Charity for 2014 and we hope to see you there. Kathy and Bill