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Be Ready to take action on a well-priced home!

Everyone agrees the real estate market is back. In a strong real estate market in Coastal Delaware with very low inventory, be prepared to take action if we say

Wow, thats a great price for that home!

Dont say Ok, let me think about it and Ill get back to you. You are bound to be disappointed when you call back in a few days and say What happened? I dont see that great house in Lewes listed anymore. It will be too late. It will be Under Contract to someone else.

Are there still homes listed for sale in Lewes, Delaware, that are not selling? Of course. But, none of them are in the communities where you want to live. They are either too old and dated or too big with lots of stairs and no first floor Owners Suite.

It was a long Buyers market, but its over and the great deals are few and far between, so be prepared to buy that home in Coastal Delaware when we find it!

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