The 7th Annual Lewes Winter Fest Barkfest event takes place in the Historic Commercial District surrounding Second Street and across the canal at Irish Eyes Pub & Restaurant the weekend before Valentines Day (Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9). The event gives Valentines Day shoppers and diners additional activities in which to participate and attend. It has become more dog-centric in the past couple of years. The popular event has included a unique Pet Pageant for the past six years (although last years was cancelled due to weather) on Saturday afternoon and two years ago another event was added on Friday evening a Yappy Hour for Pets and People who like to Yap. COMCAST SPOTLIGHT continues as the events Media Sponsor and financial contributor for the seventh year. During the two-day Winter Fest event, numerous retail businesses and restaurants will be offering Valentine holiday-themed specials including discounts on specific items.
Yappy Hour
The Yappy Hour component of this years Winter Fest Barkfest was conceived by Lesley Bowers, owner of P.U.P.S. (Pawsitively Unique Pet Shop) on Second Street who also initiated the Pet Pageant seven years ago. Irish Eyes Pub & Restaurant on the canal in Lewes will host pets, their owners and people who like to yap on Friday, February 8 from 5 7 p.m. on their heated, enclosed porch. The Georgetown S P C A will host a Fill the Van during both events at which time they are soliciting donations of blankets, sheets, pet food, kitty litter, toys , dog bones and bleach for cleaning their kennels. Attendees to the Yappy Hour can come with or without pets and dogs should be on a leash with one dog and one handler. Irish Eyes will feature specialty beverages that evening such as a Bark-tini, Cat-atonic, Mutt-ini and there will be a 50/50 raffle benefitting the Georgetown SPCA. Additionally, Irish Eyes is donating 10% of their total food sales for the entire day to the SPCA.
Pet Pageant on Bark Street
On Saturday, February 9 at 2 p.m., the popular Pet Pageant returns to BARK Street (Bank Street-temporarily renamed for the event) where pets of all sizes and shapes, ages and genders strut their stuff in front of the judges and the crowds. The four categories of competition are Formal Wear, Leisure Wear, Companion Look Alike and Kids Freestyle, open only to children. Registration takes place at P.U.P.S.(Pawsitively Unique Pet Shop) at 117 Second Street. You also can register the day of the event in front of Citizens Bank from Noon 1:30 p.m. The registration entry donation is $5 and benefits the Georgetown SPCA. All contestants must be on-site no later than 1:30 p.m. to receive their entry numbers. Contestants will line up with their owners at 1:45 p.m. behind Citizens Bank. The judges will award three prizes in each of four categories. This year, very special shelter dogs will be at the event to show their unconditional love and to look for their forever homes.
This years judges are Kathy Davison of COMCAST SPOTLIGHT, Ashley King, owner of Piccolino, and Debbie Sheing, both owners of dogs that have been past first place Pet Pageant award winners.
For more information about the event, contact the Lewes Chamber of Commerce at 302-645en-8073.