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We love it at Heritage Shores

It's always nice to hear from a new homeowner. When you're in the search and think you've found the right new home in the right community, it's very exciting. Then you go through all the paperwork and the packing and the moving and one day you live there. Is it what you hoped? Are the neighbors friendly?

Linda Chick

Linda Chick

Let's ask Linda how she feels after living at Heritage Shores for about 2 months. "Linda, tell me about what happens at Heritage Shores," I asked. Linda and her husband Jack moved here from Suburban Maryland and they've been booked solid since then.

The Heritage Shore Clubs are numerous: Red Hats, Photography, Whip Stitchers, Card Club, Genealogy, Walking Club, Both Men's & Ladies' Lunch Clubs, Dine Out, Book Club, Computer, Pool Sharks, Quilting & Sewing, Anglers, Civil War Roundtable, Tennis, & Military Groups. These groups meet weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Then there are all the special activities that meet every week: Water Aerobics, Land Exercise Class, Zumba Fitness & Zumba Gold (low impact version), Pilates, Beginner and advanced Tai Chi.

And, don't forget the Community events: The Lifestyle Committee is holding a Food Basket Drive from July 4-July 8. All collections will benefit the Bridgeville area. Widgeon Way already held their block party and Canvasback Circle had one on Sunday, June 5th.

Linda and Jack are avid "hand dancers" and hope to start a chapter right in the community. We look forward to more news of their progress.


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