Baby Boomers are moving to Coastal Delaware and the locals couldn't be happier. When I talk to local business owners in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach, in Milton or Georgetown or Bridgeville, they realize how lucky they are to see so many new people moving to the area at this time in their lives.
Think about it, if someone from New Jersey now paying real estate taxes of $10,000 or even $20,000 per year moves to Coastal Delaware they will probably only pay $1,000 to $2,000 in annual property tax. What will they be able to do with all that extra money? They may spend some of it at the great local restaurants and shops. They may find a local organization to support. It's almost like having a second pension or social security check each month.
Is that enough of a reason for Boomers to relocate to Coastal Delaware? No, but it is a reason many have considered it in the first place. People from New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania as well as our neighbors to the south in DC, Maryland and Virginia are buying homes here with an eye on eventual retirement, planning to relocate. What an interesting melting pot of talented, educated and interesting people!
Newcomers are getting involved in the arts, in local charities, in the Farmer's Markets and we are all beneficiaries of their contributions. We just want to say "Thank you" and "Welcome"; we look forward to seeing you here in Coastal Delaware and making you feel right at home.