Retirement Living

Evaluating if Your Home Adapts to Your Needs in Retirement

When thinking about your home as you enter your retirement years its critical to know how well your home will adapt to your living needs.

Download our FREE Aging in Place Checklist here!

As more and more baby boomers enter retirement age, the question of whether they should sell their homes and move has become a hot topic. In [...]

AARP: 1st Boomers Turn 70!

As an AARP member, I read an article in theJAN-FEB 2016 edition of Real Possibilities Magazine, about the first baby boomers are now turning 70! Bill Newcott talks in length in his article titled,

"The Boomers Turn 70: How this generation has influenced us all and how it will change the world again"

Newcott chronicles Kathleen [...]