No Sales Tax

Why Retire in Delaware?

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I think the secret has been out for a while. Delaware is the northeasts top choice for retirement.

Why Delaware?

The top reason is taxes.

  1. No state or local sales tax!  Did you know Delaware is only 1 out of 5 states with no sales tax?
  2. Delaware is consistently in the top 10 for the countrys lowest property taxes.   
  3. Social Security benefits are exempt from
  4. [...]

Delaware is Tax Friendly

Are lower taxes enough of a reason to relocate? Maybe not, but it can be the main motivating factor for many Boomers who are preparing for retirement. If you live in New Jersey, a state with one of the highest sales taxes or New York, one of the 5 least tax-friendly states, Delaware is worth a look. Delaware ranks a low 47th when [...]