Low Taxes In Delaware

More Taxes, Lower Refunds - Will tax changes impact Delaware residents?

How the reduction of itemized deductions may impact income tax and refunds for those living in the state of Delaware.

Losing itemized tax deductions

The full impact of recent changes to income tax deductions is starting to become apparent, even in Delaware where traditionally residents enjoy lower state taxes. I spoke to a friend the other [...]

How Does Delaware's State Income Tax Compare to Surrounding States?

Delaware may lead the way in lower taxes compared to surrounding states in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Low taxes may not be the only reason to relocate to Delaware, but they sure make it easier. Real estate broker Kathy Sperl-Bell of Active Adults Realty in Delaware answers a question from a newsletter reader, Lewis Grower. He asks: How do [...]

The SALT Deduction - How Changes Will Affect Homeowners In Delaware

Changes to the SALT Deductions - How will Delaware homeowners be impacted?

In today's Ask The Broker video, I discuss the recent changes in the tax law regarding SALT (State and Local Tax Deductions) and what kind of impact it will have on Delaware homeowners and those in the Mid-Atlantic [...]

Delaware is More Than Lower Property Taxes

There are more costs than property taxes and sales taxes; other costs are important and healthcare is a priority.

I couldnt have said it better myself and I often do remind our buyer clients that lower taxes alone are not a good enough reason to relocate at our age.

Lets talk cost of living

I am not originally from Delaware and I have lived [...]

I thought Delaware has lower taxes!

Delaware has lower taxes than almost any state I can think of in the Mid-Atlantic or the Northeast, but how low depends on where you buy and in what kind of community.

Just in the past year, we have worked with Buyer Clients from Long Island, Northern New Jersey and Connecticut that are currently paying property taxes of $15,000, $20,000 [...]

Anywhere in Delaware

Are you thinking of bailing out of New Jersey or Maryland and moving to Delaware when you retire? You and everyone else it seems.

Where in Delaware?

That is the $64,000 question. You probably never thought about Delaware until the last tax increase and now you need help figuring out where. Thats where we come in. We realized that Active [...]

Low Taxes not enough to move to Delaware