Condo Fee

Can You Pick Out the Condo?

Clearing up the misconceptions about what a condominium really is and whether this type of ownership is the right choice for you.

Can you pick out which one is the condo?


First, lets define what a condominium is and isnt.

Before I became a REALTOR, I assumed a condo was an [...]

What Is the Difference Between a Condo and a Townhouse?

Be wary of what you find on Google and depend on your Active Adults Realty agent to teach you the real definition of a Condo.

Today's Ask the Broker question is, "Whats the difference between a condo and a townhouse?"

This question comes in many different forms but it usually starts with, I am interested in looking at condominiums in [...]

Does my HOA own the clubhouse?

In a previous article, we talked about why it is important to Read the HOA documents before you sign a contract to purchase a new home. This article went over HOA or Condo documents and what is covered by law. No two communities are alike and the same is true of the [...]

Why you should read those HOA documents in Delaware

In Delaware, every community that charges more than $500* a year in an HOA fee or a Condo fee is required to produce very detailed documentation. By law this stack of documents must be given to you for your review and acceptance. If you are buying an existing home, the seller is required to pay for a complete, current set of documents and [...]

Checklist for 55+ Buyers

How do you make decisions, especially really important decisions like choosing where you want to live when you retire? Buying a new home at this time in our lives can be overwhelming for some and yesterday one of my clients asked if I had a Checklist that I could send [...]