Clear Space Theatre

Outstanding Live Theater & Performing Arts Across Delaware

When only a live theater experience will do, come to Delaware. There are numerous outstanding performances to experience.

Live theater can be found all year long at many great venues. The variety of performances, the talent, both local and professional, and the quality of the productions are outstanding. Lets look at live theatre starting [...]

What Will I Do Once I Retire In Delaware? How About Volunteering?

There are numerous Delaware volunteer organizations looking for retirees like you to help out.

Worried about what you will do with yourself once you retire in Delaware? How about volunteering? Real Estate Broker, Kathy Sperl-Bell of Active Adults Realty in Delaware, explores the numerous Delaware volunteer organizatiosn that are looking for [...]

Enjoy The Arts in Delaware - Clear Space Theatre Presents WIT

Clear Space Theatre Welcomes Broadway Actress Rosemary Loar in WIT

Looking for an opportunity to explore the arts in Delaware? Clear Space Theatre in Rehoboth Beach is featuring Margaret Edsons 1999 Pulitzer Prize-winning one-act play, WIT. This play focuses on university professor Vivian Bearing (Rosemary Loar), an expert on the poet John [...]