Type Of Home Community

Can You Pick Out the Condo?

Clearing up the misconceptions about what a condominium really is and whether this type of ownership is the right choice for you.

Can you pick out which one is the condo?


First, lets define what a condominium is and isnt.

Before I became a REALTOR, I assumed a condo was an [...]

SUMMER 2014 Community Update from Active Adults Realty

It's summer in Delaware, and according to a recent USA Today article, existing home sales increased for the 2nd straight month - their strongest rate since the fall. It's no wonder why we are all so busy showing Boomer-friendly homes and [...]

Checklist for 55+ Buyers

How do you make decisions, especially really important decisions like choosing where you want to live when you retire? Buying a new home at this time in our lives can be overwhelming for some and yesterday one of my clients asked if I had a Checklist that I could send [...]